
Convert and Homeschooler – Leianna in CA 

 September 25, 2019

I'm so excited to introduce you to Leianna from California! She's a relatively new convert and homeschooler, so I'm very happy that she is introducing herself to us. Leianna has been married for 10 years and has a 7 year old son and a 5 year old daughter. This is their first year homeschooling. You can follow her on Instagram . She graciously shared her conversion story with me and I'd like to include it because I think you'll enjoy the reason why she joined RCIA!


Leianna's Conversion Story

"I was not raised in a Christian home, but found my way to Christ in college as I was studying for my degree in geology. During that time, I started going to an amazing and intense bible study that was supposedly ecumenical. Turns out they were anti-catholic and I agreed with them. Then I married a Catholic, in the Catholic Church and agreed to raise our kids Catholic. 

When my son went into kindergarten we signed him up for religious education at the local parish, even though we didn't go to church regularly (my bible study was my church and my husband was non-practicing). It was my choice to send my son to the religious ed program since he had aged out of the children's program with the bible study. 

As he started kindergarten, our bible study was studying Romans, and I decided to sign up for RCIA. My motivation for RCIA wasn't to become Catholic, it was to learn about what the Church taught so that I could make sure my son remained a 'good protestant'. Basically I read and studied my way into the Church that year. I must have read 20 books and dove into some challenging topics. The Church won my heart!! Eight months after my confirmation, we decided to homeschool in a Catholic manner. I am LOVING this journey!!!"

Don't you just love how God works? What an amazing story!


Individual Prayer

"I'd love to say that I pray first thing in the morning, but I fail at that. Every single day. It isn't until I've made my coffee and sit down to do my bible study that I make my first appeal to God! 

I pray while I'm studying, before meals, and for help when we are struggling with homeschool. When I stretch, I pray, because saying an Our Father or Hail Mary is better than counting to 30! 

I was in the habit of a Daily Examen every night, but I've lost track of that, although I do night prayers before bed.

My husband and I try to get to the local Franciscan Abby once a month for Reconciliation and prayer."

Family Prayer

As a family, "we pray every morning before we start school, pray when we get in the car and when we are struggling. We pray before meals (at home and in public) and do night prayers together.

Extra curricular activities mean that we're in the car at the same time each week, so we listen to the 'Family Rosary Across America' on Relevant Radio.

Change and Advice

I asked Leianna what she would like to change about her personal and family prayer life. Here are the main things she'd like to add in:

  • pray the daily rosary
  • add the Examen daily
  • wake up each morning with prayer on her lips
  • go to daily Mass and weekly Adoration
  • pray the daily family rosary

I asked her what she thought her biggest obstacle to praying was and she said, "ME! I am my biggest obstacle. Lack of habit."

Her advice to others was so wonderful. "The Church has SO MANY amazing prayers. As a convert with a strong Protestant background, we didn't have these great prayers. I was taught to just talk to God but that wasn't helpful.

The Catholic Church has so many resources for great prayers. I'm just beginning to grow in this area. 

My advice would be baby steps. Just start with one prayer and pray consistently. Start with prayer in the morning or prayer before meals. Once that habit is established, add another prayer."


"We are using Seton. When homeschooling became an option, I researched the various options and there are so many out there! I bought preschool curriculum from various schools (Seton, MODG, etc) to try with my daughter last year and Seton was the best fit for our family.

We've just started our third week of homeschooling and we're learning how to work together and how to encourage one another.

My biggest struggle is that I am having a hard time finding my own personal quiet introvert time. I had imagined, and actually scheduled, alone time for everyone for each day. That absolutely hasn't happened. The reason is because my kids are so wrapped up in fun and imaginative play that I don't want to interrupt them!"

What Makes a Homeschooling Day Good

"So far the best days have been when my son, who lacks focus, works hard, focuses on his work, gets it done early, then we go play. It's been really fun for me to see how much confidence he is gaining in himself.

He struggled in public school because he takes a long time to do work and there's not enough class time for him to finish. Now we work together until it's done. It makes him feel so good to complete his work!"

Homeschool Wisdom/Advice

The two pieces of advice that Leianna wants to share with everyone are

  1. Adjust the curriculum for the child, not the child to the curriculum
  2. Don't be afraid to start

Both of which I couldn't agree with more!

In part II of this Showcase, Leianna discusses her organization and her self-care. Please give her some love and encouragement for a.)being a relatively new convert and homescooler and b.) being willing to share  her journey with everyone!

Remember, if you would like to be showcased, please contact me! I hope you'll all agree that we can learn so much from one another!

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