A Gratitude Journal

Designed specifically for 

Your Homeschooling Journey

gratitude journal

Homeschooling is hard and sometimes it seems like nothing ever goes the way you planned.

The more you get caught up in the negative, the more you want to give up. 

Being intentional about gratitude, however, can really turn things around.

Using a gratitude journal made specifically for your homeschooling journey is a great way for you to focus on the good things that are going on each day in your homeschool.

Our Homeschooling Gratitude Journal Benefits

We all know that gratitude is a good thing to have. Being grateful for the big and little things that God sends you each and every day can have a positive effect on many aspects of your life.

gratitude journal

Gratitude Makes You Feel Happier

Focusing on gratitude makes you happier because it is hard to be thanking God for the things around you while being grumpy at the same time.

gratitude journal

Gratitude Keeps You in the Present Moment

When I am focusing on gratitude, I am fully present to that moment. By focusing on gratitude in your homeschool, you will be present to it in that moment.

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Gratitude Improves Your Relationships

Think about the times when you're frustrated with your kids. Now, be grateful for them, even if that is hard at the moment. That gratitude will shed a positive light, which will improve your relationship with your children.

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Gratitude Increases Your Patience

And we all know we can use more of that! By increasing your positive feelings and improving your relationships, you will have more patience for your children. Now that's a good thing, for sure!

“The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for what He is sending us every day in His goodness.”

~ St. Gianna Beretta Molla

gratitude journal

Keeping a gratitude journal specifically about your homeschooling will allow you to focus on the positives in your day instead of the negatives.

Even when the day seems like a total waste, sitting down for a few minutes to search for three things, no matter how little they seem, that you can be grateful for will really change your outlook on the day.

Just taking those few minutes to stop and reflect will calm you down. Doing this day after day will help you to stay calm and, more importantly, will get you to start looking for those good things ahead of time!

Think of what an amazing effect it will have on your attitude, and then the attitude of your kids, if you're seeking out positive things each day.

gratitude journal

It's So easy to use - only a few minutes a day!

At the end of your homeschool time each day follow these easy steps:

  1. Take out your book, "Our Homeschooling Gratitude Journal" and whatever fun pen you've decided to write with.
  2. Make the sign of the cross and ask God to help you to see up to three things that happened today that you can be grateful for. Sometimes this part will go quickly and other days you might be there for a few minutes! Don't despair, you'll find something to be grateful for, I promise!
  3. Open to a new page, write the date at the top and then enter the three things you're giving thanks for.
  4. Occasionally look back over a few pages to remember some of the good times you've had this year.
  5. At the end of the school year, use your journal to see the progress you made. It can also help you to see what worked for your kids and what didn't. 
  6. Give thanks to God for the many blessings He has bestowed on you!

Bring Gratitude into Your Homeschool Year!

Living a life of gratitude isn't always easy, but practicing it in small ways every day is a great way to make it a habit.

Writing about things you are grateful for every day helps to solidify this habit and make gratitude your go-to emotion.

This journal is the tool you need to help make this happen. 

Laura Dominick
Laura Dominick

I've been homeschooling my seven children for the past 20+ years (and counting). There were so many times when I wanted to give up because there was just SO much to do! Focusing on gratitude and being present in the moment really helped me to get the perspective I needed.

Homeschooling isn't easy, but each day can be an opportunity to see the many blessings that God is putting in front of you. 

Make gratitude a part of your homeschooling journey!

Start today by getting your own Homeschooling Gratitude Journal.

Foster a feeling of gratitude!

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