
The #1 Lesson to Teach Your Children 

 March 13, 2019

Life nowadays is fraught with so many things to worry about. How to deal with bullies, peer pressure and social media induced anxiety are among the many issues kids have bombarding them. Take this five year old little boy who went to daycare because his single mother had to work. One day some of the other kids put a note on his back that said, "Kick Me", so that's what the other kids did. They bullied him and kicked him and sent him home with a black eye; and he is only 5 years old. Take the time to teach your children this one  lesson so that they can survive these pressures.


The reading the other day for Mass was Mark 10:14 about letting the little children come to Jesus. The priest, in his homily, reminded us how imperative it is for each and every child in today's world to know, without a doubt, that they have been made in the image and likeness of God and that He has a very definite plan for them.

What a great opportunity we have to start teaching that lesson to our kids from a very young age. Of course, it's never too late to teach someone that. Imagine the difference it will make to a boy or girl as they are entering their teens if they have a solid relationship with God and if they know that doing His Will will lead them to the best version of themselves.

Teach your Children that A Relationship with God Will Always be a Benefit

Will it solve all of the problems, bad decisions and heartache that seem to befall tweens and teens? Of course not. But I can tell you from experience that having children who have a relationship with God have something to fall back on when they make these mistakes or suffer hardships. Maybe they won't even turn to God right away, but you can be comforted by the fact that you know the knowledge is there and that someday they will draw upon it.

Never hesitate to instill in your children this love for God and the knowledge that God loves them and has a plan for them from a very young age. 

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Keep nurturing that by teaching them and weaving the faith throughout their day. Don't just relegate religion to one subject. Weave it throughout their years of learning, all of their subjects, even their activities.  Give them this firm foundation and then, when they run into trouble or sadness, fear or anxiety, they will know where to turn. It might take a lot of time on your knees to get them to turn, but eventually they will!

God has a plan for each child

God loves you and and He loves your children. Have faith in that love. Hold firm to the fact that God has a plan for each of your children, even when it looks like they are so far from that path that they might never find it. Remember the saying, "God writes straight with crooked lines"? I've seen enough to know that neither you nor your child will get it perfect, but God will make good out of anything bad, all you have to do is have faith and teach your children to know, love and serve God from as young of an age as you can! Thankfully homeschooling affords us a lot of time to teach this lesson.

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